Miranda Consulting
  Education & Leadership Solutions

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Miranda Consulting offers global consulting services, training, and support  to educators and  business professionals.

Dr. Esther Miranda, founder and independent consultant, has over 20 years experience as a teacher, school administrator, academic advisor, and trainer. She also has 7 years of international experience in the field of public relations and marketing. Dr. Miranda is a certified Time to Teach™ Associate Trainer.

Areas of expertise include: 
  • school improvement efforts
  • pre-K - 12 enrichment programs
  • gifted education
  • professional development seminars
  • leadership coaching & team building seminars
  • public relations and community engagement
Dr. Miranda led school wide enrichment programs that raised student achievement, enrollment, and retention to record levels. She excels at involving stakeholders and the community at large in the educational process, while maintaining the balance between pursuing innovative learning opportunities and ensuring the mastery of skills and content at, and across, grade levels.

Through Miranda Consulting Services, working in cooperation with parents, classroom teachers, guidance counselors, pediatricians, and school professionals, Dr. Miranda advocates for individual students and their families, as they seek program options to meet the educational needs of the child.

Dr. Miranda's experience with diverse international groups provided her with opportunities to experience the hallmarks of effective, inspirational, and collaborative leadership, shared in motivational leadership and team building seminars. She engages her audience by combining real life stories, and humor, with a serious discussion of the issues. She brings
useful strategies and tools to each of her presentations that can be implemented immediately for engaged, effective, and exciting teaching and learning.

A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships!

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